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Mixing it up, marketing style

Search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) ads, newspapers, radio, social media, television, billboards, e-newsletters, direct mail…

So many channels, so little time! And you can only stretch your budget so far. Here are four steps you can take to create a stellar recipe for marketing success.

  1. Establish a budget: Incorporating a budget doesn’t mean stressing about limitations; rather, it’s about exploring possibilities. Working within financial boundaries challenges you to be more thoughtful about how you’re spending your marketing dollars. By employing a more streamlined, targeted approach, you can reach prospects who are already considering the service or product you provide but haven’t decided just where to get it from yet. This is where search engine marketing (SEM) could come into play. Searching on websites like Google and Bing is the most popular medium for locating information. In fact, 74 percent of internet users perform local searches, and of this percentage, 82 percent of local searchers follow-up offline via an in-store visit, phone call or purchase. SEM is also very cost-effective compared to other marketing mediums, so it’s worth considering on a smaller budget.
  2. Know your target: It all boils down to understanding your customer. Warm-up to your target market’s demographics, psychographics and lifestyle. Geography, income, ethnicity, gender and age are key factors that impact buying decisions and habits. Knowing your target is especially helpful with digital marketing, where being in the right place at the right time has become less about serendipity and more about strategy. Take Facebook, for example, where 29.7 percent of users are between the ages 25 and 34. This is the prime target demographic for many businesses, so if it’s yours, investing in Facebook advertising will more than likely be beneficial.
  3. Be consistent: They key ingredient in your marketing mix is to create brand recognition, and that involves creating compelling content. While it’s nice to add some spice to your messaging, you want to make sure that everything blends together well and that one piece doesn’t overpower another. That means using consistent themes and messaging across all platforms you utilize. Prospects viewing an ad, web page, direct mail piece or even a video from a well-integrated campaign should receive a consistent flavor from your messaging, with each element of the mix complementing and reinforcing the others.
  4. Measure your success: What does the data show about what you are trying to accomplish? Be sure to measure your marketing efforts against your business goal(s). If one of your overarching goals is brand awareness, track your social media posts. If it’s attracting more visitors to your website, try using Google Analytics. If it’s sales, take a look at how many leads your direct mail or email campaign generated. Useful tools like Constant Contact, Hubspot and Marketo make it easy to follow each customer’s journey, starting with the first visit to your website. Take the time to monitor your progress so you’ll be able to amplify what’s working and adjust what’s not.

Still not sure how to mix it up? We can add the secret sauce your marketing plan has been craving. Contact Chelsey Tupper, director of operations & client development, to learn more about how we can help. She can be reached at 570-609-5650, ext. 310 or



From the Desk of Devanie Heller: 6 Things I Learned From My MarCom Internship

In January, I was determined to solidify my summer internship before going back to school for the spring semester. I wanted to be sure that I gave myself ample opportunity to find the perfect fit so that my first marketing internship would be worthwhile. Therefore, I Googled “marketing agencies in the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area,” and began calling each agency to get an idea of who was looking for an intern.

After following up with Ideaworks, I was asked to come in for a face-to-face interview with the agency’s director of marketing communication, Pete, and senior manager of marketing communication, Alyssa. The interview went wonderfully, and the next thing I knew, I received a call with an offer! Little did I know that once I met the rest of the team and began diving into my work, it would feel like home. The culture was so open and friendly that I truly couldn’t have been happier to be part of the team. I absolutely loved coming into work every morning – always wearing a smile, ready to tackle the day’s responsibilities.

During my three months as a member of the Ideaworks team, I learned so much that it’s nearly impossible to whittle down an all-encompassing list of the knowledge and insight I gained, but these six items are surely significant.

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

Since this was my first internship, I was eager to absorb everything I could, which often meant asking many questions. Though I was undoubtedly anxious to jump into a new adventure, everyone was more than welcoming. It did not take long for me to warm up to my co-workers and ask for help or clarification, because I always wanted to do my best and impress the rest of the team.

  1. Every day is different when you intern at an agency

Each day at Ideaworks was unlike the one prior. Some projects were large, others were small, but each had its own originality and importance for our valued clients. I sat in on various conference calls, discussing anything from the types of graphics that would work best on a concert venue’s promotional collateral to the kinds of prizes and incentives that would most appeal to a client’s target audience. From each client call I participated in, I learned several tips and tricks about how to talk with clients and the best ways to work with them to meet their respective needs and wants. Above all, one of the most important things I learned is that it’s always top priority to deliver exceptional work for clients.

  1. The real world is different from the classroom

While I did not receive a letter grade for my work here, I still needed to put forth my best effort when working on any task to which I was assigned. Nonetheless, that is about the only similarity between school and my internship. At Ideaworks, I was able to learn first-hand how to organize and structure projects, follow new client developments, create social media schedules and more – not just read about them from a textbook or simply learn definitions. I’ve always enjoyed school; however, after my time with Ideaworks, I’m even more eager to dive into my marketing career.

  1. Independence is everything

The classic intern stereotype is that he or she runs for coffee and scans papers all day without truly contributing to the team. My experience at Ideaworks was the exact opposite, for which I am tremendously thankful. My first week on the job, I was given a list of projects to start developing in collaboration with our content team, and it made me incredibly happy to know I was entrusted with these tasks. Giving an intern, like me, the independence and trust to take on client projects meant so much, and I was grateful for the opportunity to make each project my own, which also helped increase my confidence. It was such a great feeling to work with a team that believed in my abilities and wanted to see me succeed, especially as a young woman new to this industry.

  1. Social media is more complex than you might think

Before my internship, I never had the opportunity to manage a business’ social media, but I was always eager to do so. Now, thanks to Ideaworks, I can proudly say that I have professional experience handling all things social, such as brainstorming, writing, editing and proofreading post content; posting and scheduling; and managing accounts on the various platforms. I learned that a substantial amount of research and time go into crafting a post for just one platform, let alone creating a weekly content schedule. I’ve also come to better understand which types of content keep followers engaged. Gaining more experience with social media management was a valuable experience that I know will suit me well when I begin my career in marketing, since the use of social media isn’t slowing down anytime soon.

  1. Change is good, and experience is invaluable

A summer internship in my field of study was such a great opportunity because I had the chance to learn many new things and gain invaluable hands-on experience. I firmly believe that my internship with Ideaworks helped sharpen my skillset in a way that will prove invaluable when it comes to interviewing for marketing jobs after graduation. I am a firm believer that change is positive, and this summer, I realized that the dynamic atmosphere of a marketing agency is a great fit for me and one in which I can see myself excelling.


Each day that I came to work this summer, I was given opportunities to step out of my comfort zone, and as a result, I learned more about myself and my abilities. Because I made it a point to be proactive and find my summer internship early – and then absorb as much knowledge as I could during it – my time with Ideaworks was extremely beneficial and rewarding. I cannot stress enough how happy and thankful I am to have been part of the Ideaworks Marketing team this summer; it was truly the perfect fit for me!

-Devanie Heller, Ideaworks Marketing intern, summer 2019 

Announcing our Partnership with Luzerne County Historical Society

Ideaworks Marketing is excited to announce our agency’s new partnership with the Luzerne County Historical Society (LCHS), which we officially elected as our “charity of choice” this spring! As our charity of choice, LCHS will receive complimentary marketing support from our team, ranging from conducting focus groups to creating a comprehensive marketing plan, including goals, objectives, strategies and tactics to generate awareness and interest in the Society. Community support is crucial at Ideaworks, as we have supported various non-profit organizations on both national and local scales over the past 21 years in business.

When asked about our new partnership, Alyssa Ellsworth, senior manager of marketing communications, had this to say: “Supporting our local community is incredibly important to our agency. Moreover, Luzerne County is rich in history. Being given the privilege to help LCHS further allows our team to work with one of the oldest non-profits in the county – one that is committed to preserving and protecting the history and events that have shaped this area.”

Peter and Alyssa getting ready to conduct the focus groups

To kick off our support for LCHS, our owner and CCO, Peter Steve, recently conducted three focus groups for the Society – free of charge – with Alyssa as his research associate. The duo uncovered valuable insights regarding the Historical Society’s perception in our area and is using them to finalize a follow-up report as well as guide the Society’s marketing plan, which is currently underway.

Aimee Newell, Ph.D., executive director for LCHS, will work closely with our agency as we spearhead marketing efforts for the Society. “We are thrilled to work with Peter, Alyssa and the team at Ideaworks. We appreciate having their expert advice and guidance and look forward to putting their insight to use by increasing community engagement with our local history,” said Dr. Newell.

From the President’s Desk: My National Small Business Week “Mighty Moment”









Each year, the hard work and dedication of small businesses and their teams are recognized throughout the first full week of May during National Small Business Week. As a women-owned small business, I’m sure you can imagine the significance of this celebration for all of us at Ideaworks. Playing along with this year’s theme, Small is Mighty, the team asked me to share my own “Mighty Moment” from my career – any event or occurrence that has made me feel mighty being a part of a small business. Put frankly, there is no way I could come up with a single moment that stands out from my 36-year career, but our team’s ask got me thinking about the fact that I have spent my entire career working in a small business.

Of course, there have been times in which I wondered what might have been different had I decided to work for a larger organization, but I can honestly say that I have never regretted my choice. The truth is, when you work for a small business (particularly in the roles I have), you get to learn — and learn fast — how everything works from the ground up. You have a hand in everything, from deciding who will clean the building and how often, to making major decisions about capital purchases, financing, payroll, healthcare packages and so on.

This knowledge has always been invaluable to me.

In marketing, we succeed by immersing ourselves in a client’s business, understanding their customers and their needs, along with the goods and services the client offers to meet those needs. Running a small business has only deepened such immersion, helping me realize the pressures our clients face on every level. That makes me even more appreciative whenever they entrust our team with one of their initiatives. After all, we wouldn’t be a “mighty” small business without them!













We are thrilled to bring you the latest issue of our award-winning agency magazine, DAZZLE! This issue is especially exciting, as it features a must-read article from guest author Peter Loge.

The issue highlights Loge’s recent book, titled “Soccer Thinking for Management Success: Lessons for Organizations from the World’s Game,” which is a favorite of Ideaworks owner Peter Steve. In addition to being an author, Loge is an assistant professor at The George Washington University in Washington D.C.

Along with Loge’s feature article, a few additional highlights of this issue include:

  • A Special Thank You to Some Very Strong Women,” in which Peter Steve pays homage to the many inspiring females who have helped him succeed professionally while reflecting on his receipt of the Northeast Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Advertising Federation’s prestigious Silver Medal Award (p. 22)
  • Our Award-Winning Calendar, delving into the creative inspiration behind Ideaworks’ annual calendar, which received three American Advertising Awards (ADDYs) this year (p. 5)
  • “Are You In, Out or Somewhere in Between?,” examining the difference between inbound and outbound marketing and which might be right for your business (p. 14)

Click here to read the issue. We hope you enjoy it, and please don’t hesitate to provide us with your feedback by emailing Chelsey Tupper at We’d love to know what you think of the publication. And remember, we’re always here if you’d like to chat about any marketing challenges you’re facing and how Ideaworks can help you solve them.

What We’re Reading: 5 Pieces of Marketing Content Our Team Members Love

Every day, media outlets both large and small fill their feeds with articles that offer insightful tips and tricks to help modern marketers stay abreast of the latest trends and best practices. In today’s digital world, this advice is seemingly endless, opening the door to new growth opportunities for small agencies and their teams.

At Ideaworks, staying up-to-date on reading and research is a task that our team members incorporate into their daily to-do lists. Throughout his career, our owner and CCO Peter Steve has seen first-hand how critical reading and research are to success. As such, this is a quality Peter has come to instill into each member of our team. Therefore, we found it fitting to pose the following question to five of our team members: “What is the most influential article you have read in the last few months?”

Peter Steve could not choose an article in particular but instead selected a motivating book: Soccer Thinking for Management Success: Lessons for Organizations from the World’s Game by Peter Loge, which suggests that management is even more relatable to routine activities than we might have once thought. When asked why this has been his favorite read over the past few months, Peter remarked, “I loved it because it provided great insight into how the game of soccer (a sport near and dear to me) directly relates to how organizations are structured and managed.”

Donna Hansbury, president and CEO, chose “The Evolution of Marketing to Women” as her pick for the best industry read she’s delved into over the past few months. Donna explains, “I never hesitate to find insightful articles from Mintel, but I found this one particularly refreshing because it provides an excellent look at authenticity in marketing and where our industry is headed. The celebration of females’ unique strengths, beauty and empowerment is inspiring more marketing campaigns, and it is something I hope to see even more frequently in the future.”

Chelsey Tupper, director of operations and client development, shared, “Southwest Airlines’ Awful Week Shows the Difference Between Customer Service and Customer Centricity.” Published on, this blog post delves into the criticality of ensuring that the entire customer experience journey is top-notch. Chelsey explains why she chose this article: “It illustrates that customers have to be at the center of ALL business decisions within a company, which also highlights the evolution of marketing over the past 10 years. It’s no longer about the brand – it HAS to be about the customer.”

Peter Froehlich, director of marketing communications, recently transitioned from the world of academia to agency life at Ideaworks. Peter understands the unique professional situation the Harvard Business Review outlines in “Facing your Mid-Career Crisis.” He explains, “I chose this article because it speaks to my situation pretty eloquently. I identified with feeling stale in a workplace routine. It was painful to leave a familiar career behind, but I’m finding a lot more excitement and satisfaction in marcom than I had felt in teaching and research in ages!”

Good Copywriting Starts with a Graphic Designer” was senior manager of marketing communication Alyssa Ellsworth’s pick for the most inspirational and influential article she’s read over the past few months. “I love this article because it showcases how important it is for copywriters and graphic designers to engage in true collaboration on client projects – something that we do every day at Ideaworks.”

These are only a few of the latest industry  articles that stood out to our team. You can bet that we will most certainly continue reading and growing as an agency to better understand the many different perspectives that impact our business and industry. We invite you to share your favorite marketing read with us in the comments below!



By now, I hope you have seen a number of posts on our agency’s social media platforms in honor of Women’s History Month. Each one delightfully different from the last, the posts bring to light what Women’s History Month means to the talented ladies who comprise our team.

When I consider what this month means to me, I reflect on the many influential women in my life – from loving family members to dear friends and the many dedicated, career-minded women whom I have had the pleasure of working with for many years.

I’m proud to be part of a network of courageous women who never settle for “good enough” – ladies who have offered unwavering encouragement since Ideaworks’ inception and, of course, the many women, past and present, with whom I have collaborated on some of our agency’s most successful projects and initiatives.

As a women-owned business, this month is especially important for us. It is about celebrating women’s achievements. It’s about coming together to consider how far we’ve come as a group. It’s about creating a gender-balanced world in which bias has no place.

Ideaworks has been proud to employ many creative, career-driven women over the years, always respecting each one’s unique talents and ability to deliver impeccable creative work for our valued clients. Moreover, I’m proud that we’ve cultivated an environment in which every individual – regardless of gender, age or the like – is motivated to achieve his or her very best, rising to new challenges to grow into a more seasoned professional. I believe it is this type of environment in which leaders of all kinds emerge and thrive, and it is my hope that our agency continues to perpetuate these ideals for many years to come.

So as this month comes to a close, I encourage all of you to champion women’s many achievements all year long. Continue fighting for women’s advancement. Make a positive difference for the females in your life. Empower your daughters, friends, sisters and co-workers to achieve their personal and professional goals, whatever they may be.

– Judy Steve, owner


In 1987, Congress declared March as National Women’s History Month. This year’s theme is “Visionary Women: Champions of Peace & Nonviolence,” honoring women who have fought to end war, violence and injustice around the world.

As a certified women-owned business, Women’s History Month is of particular importance to everyone in our agency. For more than 20 years, we have worked to provide advancement opportunities for countless young women – and men – in our profession. From creative graphic and video designers to talented content and marketing specialists, Ideaworks has always been committed to nurturing the best and the brightest individuals for the betterment of our clients and our employees.

What is most gratifying to me is to see the young women of our agency attain senior leadership positions both within our company and within the community. Women’s History Month always causes me to reflect for a moment and thank the thousands of women before us who blazed the trail for our success. Courageous women who:

  • Fought for their right to vote and won with the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment
  • Served as “Rosie The Riveters,“ working in factories during WW II to ensure an Allied victory
  • Stood up to be heard and propelled the “Me Too Movement” to life

But if I may indulge for a moment, I’d like to salute another group of strong, talented and dedicated women who often go unrecognized – those women who sacrificed so much, including their advancement, all for the sake of their families.

Women like my mother who handled countless struggles every day to ensure our family was happy and healthy. As a single mother who raised four daughters who are successful in their own right today, my mom always worked very hard and put us first so that we would have a better chance at achieving our dreams than she did.

No magazine covers of praise, no glamorous awards received to a standing ovation – simply the satisfaction knowing that she did the best she could and did right by those for whom she cared so much.

So, during this month where we celebrate women’s achievements, I salute women everywhere for everything you do – and especially my mom for whose selflessness and love of family resulted in a lifetime of achievement represented by four caring and loving daughters who stand testament to your success.


 Donna Hansbury, president and CEO 

Peter Steve Named AAF NEPA’s 2019 Silver Medal Award Winner

We are proud to announce that our owner and chief creative officer Peter Steve was officially named the 2019 recipient of the Northeast Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Advertising Federation’s prestigious Silver Medal Award. Each year, the Silver Medal is awarded to one deserving individual in the local advertising and marketing community who has made superior contributions to the industry, furthering its standards, creative excellence and responsibility in areas of social concern.

“For the past 38 years, Peter has inspired his colleagues and enhanced the meaning of creativity by bringing ideas to life. It is suitable that he named this company Ideaworks, because every day we are committed to delivering ideas that work, and Peter has spearheaded this process,” remarked Ideaworks president and CEO Donna Hansbury.

“Recognition by your peers is one of the highest honors a person can receive in his or her career. Being recognized for the Silver Medal is a lifetime accomplishment of which I am very proud,” said Peter.

Our team feels incredibly honored to work alongside such a motivational and creative leader. Peter’s “keep learning” mindset is contagious, and his inspiration makes a positive impact on everyone on the Ideaworks team.

Congratulations to AAF NEPA’s 2019 Silver Medal Award recipient, and cheers to many more years of continued success in the marketing and advertising industry!

Click here to learn more about Peter’s many accomplishments and the prestigious Silver Medal Award.

Ideaworks Welcomes Peter Froehlich as Director of Marketing Communication

We are pleased to welcome Peter (Pete) Froehlich to the Ideaworks team as director of marketing communication! Please take a moment to learn more about Pete by reading his bio below.

Pete comes to us from the world of academia, where he taught English courses at a variety of institutions including Penn State, The University of Scranton and most recently Wilkes University. He graduated from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and earned advanced degrees at Penn State and the University of Mississippi, where he studied the life and work of Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner. As an instructor, Pete taught courses in business and technical writing, writing for the web and scholarly editing, in addition to a wide variety of courses in American literature. He was recognized for his achievements in teaching with technology, and he published original research on incorporating 21st-century literacies into first-year writing courses. 

Pete lives in Mountain Top, PA, with his wife, two children and an energetic rescue puppy. He enjoys “slow and steady” distance running and has completed numerous half-marathons, three marathons and a 24-hour ultramarathon. Pete is currently preparing to test for a brown belt in karate. He looks forward to applying his passion for learning, commitment to goals, and expertise in research, writing and editing to marketing communications projects with fellow members of the Ideaworks team!