Tag Archives: progress


The excitement never fades when we unveil a new issue of Dazzle, our award-winning agency magazine. Whether it’s our content team brainstorming topics and writing copy for the featured articles, our design team collaborating on a modern, visually appealing approach, or the two groups working together to finalize a product we’re all proud of, Dazzle’s “road to release” and ultimate unveiling is always fascinating.

This particular issue is centered on growth – within our agency and beyond – as we celebrated our 20th year in business this summer. It is our hope that the articles featured in this issue will inspire the continuous development and success of other agencies, businesses and professionals alike.

While we don’t want to give everything away, here’s a brief overview of some articles featured in this issue:

  • “20 years of Passion and Perseverance,” an infographic look at the past two decades in business, along with a note from our team (pg. 6)
  • “From My Perspective: Growing as a Women-Owned Business,” an insightful message from Ideaworks owner Judy Steve (pg. 9)
  • “Sowing Seeds of Success,” our feature article that highlights new initiatives and our continuously evolving portfolio (pg. 10)
  • “Life@197,” which includes snapshots of what’s new and exciting with our team (pg. 16)

Click here to read the issue, and please reach out to us with questions and comments. You can also email Dazzle’s editor-in-chief, Chelsey Tupper at chelseyt@ideaworks.marketing if you would like additional information on the new initiatives mentioned in this issue’s feature story.

Happy reading from the Ideaworks team!