Infographic Report Adds Value To Client Marketing Initiatives

Staying current with today’s K-12 audience is no easy task, especially considering the media-intense influences on what is now being referred to as Generation S (Screen). To assist one of our clients in meeting this need, Ideaworks Food Marketing employed the power of “infographics” and grassroots research to create a quick-reference booklet entitled “An Infographic Look At Today’s K-12 Students.” Covering a variety of topics ranging from social media to entertainment to childhood obesity, the resource gave our client (and consequently their clients as well) a snapshot view of some of the more insightful statistics that reflect what this dynamic audience is all about.

This resource is just an example of the various trends and lifestyle tools that Ideaworks produces for its clients. While any company can tap into the latest trends, Ideaworks delves into the findings in a deeper manner, analyzing the impact to our clients’ business beyond the trends alone. Identifying the trends or factors that influence a market or business is one thing, knowing how to use those trends or factors to positively impact your business is what generating real solutions is all about.

To learn more about how Ideaworks can help your company create trends-driven solutions, contact Jane Browe at 570.779.9543, ext. 316 or e-mail her at