The Risk of Innovation

Innovation is one of those words that is beyond overuse, but like a shiny new object, it continues to capture the attention of copywriters, marketers and business leaders alike.  But beyond its ongoing abuse in corporate tome and collateral, does “innovation” pose an inherent risk for those organizations that are truly, innovative?

While I know that there are many angles and answers to this question, from my perspective, it is best addressed in the old adage “nothing ventured, nothing gained.”  The majority of the greatest inventions (and innovations) of our lifetime would never have been possible without the courage of someone or some company taking a chance on an idea…a hunch…a belief.

So it is with this in mind that we at Ideaworks are taking a risk, being an early adapter and changing our website URL to  Now as innovations go, the risk associated with this decision is moderate at best.  But what’s more important than the level of risk is our willingness to try something new, the stake a presence on the cutting-edge of what may become an industry norm.  Success or failure, only time will tell, but I for one am happy that in our own small way we are taking risk head-on in the true spirit of innovation.